S1 E8 When you get to ask the head of a Montessori school about dealing with conflict in the classroom, is Montessori still relevant today, and what if your child never chooses an activity

Today I share my conversation with Bill Conway which is a little different to others in the series where we zoom out and look at the big picture of Montessori. Bill is the Head of School at Montessori East in Sydney, Australia and I loved getting to ask him the tough questions like “does Montessori prepare children for the real world?”, asking him if Montessori is still relevant in today’s modern world, and dealing with conflict in a Montessori school (and bullying). We also cover:
- parent’s concerns that their child might not finish work or be interested in an area
- how to work in a Montessori way with teachers and build a vision for the school
- how Montessori ideas are also being used in companies
- how to build a community in the school
- why there is no homework in the Montessori approach
- learning to serve others in a Montessori classroom and in society
- Montessori and technology
- being a Montessori grandparent
- how to live in a Montessori way? and
- guiding children through uncertain times (a topic that is more relevant than ever)
I also talk about kids who don’t want to be told what to do and answer another listener question.
This week’s listener question
From Alexis:
Hi! How do you feel about listening to this podcast with my child present? I often listen to podcasts in my car, and I’m mindful of what I listen to when my 3 year old is with me. While your podcast doesn’t seem inappropriate in any way, I sometimes feel as if I’m letting him see “behind the curtain!” I am most likely over-thinking this, but I was curious what you thought about it. Thank you for your time!
- Some interesting related links and articles from Bill and Montessori East:
- This post about Montessori graduates planning a trip to Thailand for a service trip
- This article about conflict in the classroom
- From the perspective of the maintenance person in the school
- Interested in learning about service, an article by Bill Conway
- AMI Administrators Certificate course
- How to Talk to Kids So Kids Will Listen, by Faber and Mazlich *
- Siblings without Rivalry, by Faber and Mazlich *
- “Applying the How To Talk to Kids” workshop with me, and other online courses
Photo of Bill and I
…when I had the pleasure to visit to Montessori East

* links to my Amazon store

Simone Davies has more than 20 years’ experience as an AMI Montessori educator. Simone is the author of “The Montessori Toddler” and co-author of “The Montessori Baby” and “The Montessori Child” books, comprehensive guides to raising children in a Montessori way. She currently runs parent-child Montessori classes in Amsterdam at her school Jacaranda Tree Montessori. She also has a popular blog, instagram and podcast “The Montessori Notebook” and is mother to two young adults.