A quote to inspire you… Posted on May 19, 2014 The things he sees are not just remembered; they form part of his soul. – Dr Maria Montessori Most popular posts 1. Get your free Montessori routine cards 2. Free 44-page PDF of Montessori activities by age (0 – 4 year olds) 3. Free 12-page PDF of Montessori activities by interest (3 – 12 year olds) 4. What is the research into Montessori? And does Montessori work? 5. A Montessori approach to toilet training 6. My top Ikea picks for Montessori children 7. Dealing with tantrums 8. My child won’t listen to me – 10 tips to turn things around 9. Everything you need to know about Montessori observation 10. Summary of The Whole-Brain Child Most recent posts Montessori and music: creative ways to integrate music in the classroom and home (including the Yoto Player!) Montessori and grandparents One Simple Practice to Be a Kind and Clear Guide 20 ways to connect deeper with the Earth, the Montessori way When our child gets frustrated easily Receive lots of Montessori inspiration to your inbox