On what to say to kids about hateful messages, a dose of inspiring Montessori spaces, activities to try at home, and thoughts from a Montessori dad
I hope you had a lovely weekend whether it was a quiet, slow one or a busy one with lots going on. Ours was pretty relaxed with long pyjama mornings and a couple of outings including ice skating with my daughter – a new Saturday morning ritual for us – and a trip to the cinema to see the much-hyped La La Land.

Today I wanted to share with you some of the things I’ve been reading which I have been sharing with families in my classes and which they have found helpful.
1. On what to say to kids about hateful messages
Brene Brown has some really thoughtful advice on how to speak to your kids about many of the hateful messages abounding in the world right now, regardless of your politics. Worth watching here.
I’m looking for more positive messages like this. If you know others, please let me know! (via Tilt Parenting)
2. Let’s get rid of the clutter and set up zen-like spaces like these
Too much stuff at your place? I’m totally inspired by this space and this post.
3. Need some new ideas for activities for your kids?
Your toddler will love these shape sorters and I love these new cards in our language corner.
Don’t forget this free 44 page download I put together last year with Montessori activities for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.
4. Thoughts from a Montessori dad
I loved this beautiful article written by a Montessori dad.
“On a deeper level, I lean on the metaphor that we, as parents, are gardeners for our children rather than creators of their future. Children are like the plants in the garden. They don’t need us to tell them how to grow, what direction they should reach toward, how many leaves they should have, or when they should pay attention to the changes of seasons. Those things are inherent in the DNA of a plant and a child. Rather, they need us to cultivate an environment that allows them to connect with their hearts and grow into whatever they have germinating within themselves.”
The year of slow is just what I need. I’m enjoying my classes more than ever, trying to build in more space, and having fun playing (like trying to teach myself to skate backwards!).
I even made these badges for the families coming to my classes as a small thank you at the end of the last course. Parents also need reminders to slow down and smell the roses with their kids. A lovely intersection between my personal journey and my work.

I’ll be back with more Montessori inspiration soon. May you bring peace and calm to your corner of the globe.
Warmest wishes,