54 obstacle course ideas
Last week I made 8 different obstacle courses from things around my classroom. And the families in my (currently online) classes had so many good ideas too. So I made them into a list for you to try.
It’s times like these I try not to take myself too seriously as a Montessori teacher knowing that a broom is for cleaning not for weightlifting or jumping over. But strange times require some creativity.
Making the most of these difficult days. My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a loved one or to those working around the clock in the hospitals, supermarkets, and on the front lines. Sending love to you all.
- Use wool or baking twine to add a laser-style course to climb through
- Hang balloons under the table to make a balloon obstacle tunnel
- Hang balloons for child to jump up to hit
- Use washi tape or painting tape to make a straight line to balance along, a zig zag, a line to bunny hop over from side to side, or to make arrows
- Cardboard boxes with holes to climb through
- Cardboard boxes with holes to throw bean bags
- Make an action dice from a cube shaped box, throw the dice and then follow the action (eg, jump like a frog, spin in a circle, stamp like an elephant etc)
- Use ropes to make obstacles or to skip on the spot
- Hoops to jump into, smaller hoops too, or use as hula hoops
- Blankets between two chairs to make a tunnel
- Cushions can become stepping stones or landing spots to jump from a step
- Make a balance beam from rolling up a carpet/rug
- Ikea tunnels
- Soft balls or bean bags to make a throwing game
- Stepping stones
- Chalk to make a squiggly line to follow or hopscotch
- Forward roll along a mat
- Sofa cushions can be made into tunnels, stepping stones etc
- Play “the floor is lava/water” and balance on the various obstacles without touching the ground
- Use a ride on car or scooter to move between stations
- Make a cardboard car
- Climbing under dining chairs
- Climbing over dining chairs
- Roll on fitness ball (with assistance)
- Wobbleboard/Pikler triangle can be used as elements in your obstacle course
- Throw balls into a box
- Do star jumps
- Make a rug/carpet “water” and they have to swim through it or walk around it
- Jump on balance bike to collect something and bring it to a box
- Make tin can stilts for kids with two cans and some string
- Flop into beanbag
- Make obstacles into a “forest” or “climb the mountain”
- Hang up a laundry basket on the door handle to make a basketball hoop and they can throw ball in
- Cones make good obstacles
- Make a hopscotch with paper for each square
- Use a twister mat
- Place one boot on your foot and hop along a line without touching the other foot down
- Use delivery crates to climb into
- Make footprints from paper
- A box wtih strings that you need to climb through
- Make sensory stepping stones with dried beans or pasta
- Hang scarves to touch or walk through
- Push a ball
- Set up the course in the corridor
- Walk around the poles
- Make stepping stones or path from foam mat
- Use a board with wheels to sit or lie on
- Hang bunting as an obstacle to climb over
- Make pebbles from paper stuck down (or maybe books if you don’t mind them walking on books)
- Egg and spoon race – use a paper plate with chopsticks (spoon) and balance a balloon (egg) or use them to play table tennis
- Have an alternate path they can choose to take
- Have a toy caterpillar to “rescue”
- Make a narrow bridge to cross
- Use shoes or hats as obstacles to walk around
Got any other additions? Add any other suggestions over on Instagram here.

Simone Davies has more than 20 years’ experience as an AMI Montessori educator. Simone is the author of “The Montessori Toddler” and co-author of “The Montessori Baby” and “The Montessori Child” books, comprehensive guides to raising children in a Montessori way. She currently runs parent-child Montessori classes in Amsterdam at her school Jacaranda Tree Montessori. She also has a popular blog, instagram and podcast “The Montessori Notebook” and is mother to two young adults.