Montessori podcasts I recommend…and some other favourites
UPDATE – January 2020
I am happy to announce that I have just launched my own Montessori podcast – The Montessori Notebook podcast. More details here.
I started listening to podcasts back in 2013 while I was preparing my classroom for the next day. And I listen to about 10 hours of podcasts a week at 1.5 speed, devouring information, getting inspiration, and learning so much.
So much so that I mentioned in The Montessori Toddler book that podcasts have been one way that I have discovered lots of helpful information for raising children. And someone reached out to ask which podcasts I would recommend. So I thought it might be helpful to share them with you as well.
To be honest, I began with mostly business and technology podcasts like MacPowerUsers, Pat Flynn’s podcasts about passive income, and The Good Life Project with Jonathan Fields. I’ve listened to a lot of TEDtalks, The Productivity Show, Elise Gets Crafty, Social Media Examiner.
Over time the variety of podcasts available has grown and I’ve dropped a lot of the podcasts about hustling and instead listening to more about living a simple, balanced life.
You’ll also see that I definitely don’t just listen to parenting podcasts. But I’m always applying wisdom I’ve picked up from a wide range of podcasts in how I raise my own children and apply in my classes.
I’m always changing up what I listen to. It actually feels a little vulnerable to share all that I am consuming as my brain has a bunch of different interests that feed me. But I guess it serves as a reminder that we all have our own interests beyond children which we need to nurture to be the best parents we can be.
Montessori podcasts // Parenting podcasts
- Unruffled – by Janet Lansbury. Janet is a go to resource for RIE parenting which crosses over with a lot of the respectful parenting in Montessori
- Tilt Parenting – focuses on differently-wired kids but I learn something from every episode which applies to ANY child (note – this is from my friend Debbie Reber, but it’s soooo good I couldn’t not share it with you)
- Baan Dek Montessori – I think the longest running Montessori podcast
- Montessori Education – the latest episode with Sanford Jones has some beautiful examples of Montessori in action in the classroom
- The Art of Parenting – my Montessori friend Jeanne-Marie has just started a podcast. Check out Episode 2 for my conversation with her about respectful parenting
- And Aubrey Hargis also has a new one Child of the Redwoods: Montessori Parenting
Business/life podcasts
- The Goop Podcast – I never miss an episode of this. I love the idea of shifting paradigms
- Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule – I think so much of the Ayurvedic approach crossed over with living in a Montessori way
- On Being with Krista Tippett – I love hearing about people from lots of different religions and spirituality. Listening to this helps to learn that everyone has a different perspective.
- Let it Out – fun rambling conversations about everything from pop culture to wellness and more
- Love, Alexi – more rambling interviews with creative people
- Jen Gotch is OK…sometimes – a podcast about mental health from the founder of
- The One Thing – if you like the book, you’ll probably find the podcasthelpful too
- The Science of Social Media – bite-sized tips about social media
- Reply All – for geeky stuff
- The Design Files Talks – super creative people with Australian accents
- Tarot for the Wild Soul – even though I don’t even own a set of tarot cards I love the monthly medicine readings and I learn so much from Lindsay and her language seeking to embrace everyone
- The Work of Byron Katie – I find this powerful work to listen to, really learning to love people who think differently from us
- Expanded – super interesting guests in wellness and I like the idea of unblocking our old belief systems and increasing our self-worth
Hope you find some of these of interest. Maybe you’ll discover some new podcasts to enjoy and it becomes another way for you to learn on the run helping you bring more Montessori into your home.

Simone Davies has more than 20 years’ experience as an AMI Montessori educator. Simone is the author of “The Montessori Toddler” and co-author of “The Montessori Baby” and “The Montessori Child” books, comprehensive guides to raising children in a Montessori way. She currently runs parent-child Montessori classes in Amsterdam at her school Jacaranda Tree Montessori. She also has a popular blog, instagram and podcast “The Montessori Notebook” and is mother to two young adults.