Podcast S1 E1- All about being a Montessori family, transitioning to regular school and co-parenting
Season 1, Episode 1
Want to really know what it’s like to be a Montessori family? I’ll be talking to my daughter Emma and my son Oliver who went to Montessori school up until 12 years old. And how they found the transition to a “regular” school (spoiler: not so difficult it appears). We talk about what it’s like to be bilingual, things they remember from Montessori school, what it’s like having a Montessori teacher as a parent, and even sex education in the Netherlands.
I’ll also be talking to their Dad, Luke, all about co-parenting, communication, and raising Montessori children.
And sharing what I love about Montessori.
This week’s listener question
Lily asks: Montessori tools seem so expensive now! Any ideas to implement Montessori in a low income household?
- Emma talks about the multiplication board
- Blog post about co-parenting: There are many family constellations. Ours is not so different.
- Steve Biddulph
- Blog post about Montessori in a low-income family: Montessori on a budget
- A toy rental company in Amsterdam run by one of the families who comes to my classes: CocoToy (sadly now closed – they have moved back to Colombia)
Oliver (2) helps build a cubby house //Oliver (3) and Emma (1) bushwalking in the Blue Mountains, Australia

The Montessori Notebook podcast is hosted by Simone Davies. Edited by Luke Davies of Filmprov Media. Podcast art by Hiyoko Imai.