Dr Montessori’s 150th birthday celebration – Montessori Everywhere
Happy 150th birthday Dr Montessori!
Yesterday we celebrated Dr Montessori’s birthday a day early with over 6,500 Montessori parents, educators, schools and training organisations in the most AMAZING 12-hour global online event, Montessori Everywhere and raised $20,000 for the Black Montessori Education Fund.
I’ve been working for the last month with some friends to make this happen and it was such a day of community connected by Zoom rooms, Youtube Live’s and Facebook Live’s and a closing ceremony getting to sit with so many humans I admire.
I highly recommend watching the recordings (free to all) – you will learn, laugh and be touched.
0900 Opening ceremony
1000 Panel discussion #1: The Environment
1100 Connection cafes – this was when we hang out in breakout rooms in Zoom and connected with people from all around the world
1200 The Montessori Musical
1300 Panel discussion #2: The Adult
1400 Connection cafes
1500 Make and take – an hour of activities
1600 Panel discussion #3: The Community
1700 Connection cafes
1800 Montessori Around the World
1900 Panel discussion #4: The Child
2000 Connection cafes
2100 Closing ceremony – even if you don’t watch it, reading the comments alone filled my heart

To continue the celebrations and because Dr Montessori’s birthday is actually today, I’m doing a giveaway over on Facebook and Instagram where you can win a copy of The Montessori Toddler in English, Dutch, Norwegian, Czech, Italian, Indonesian or Korean – just a few of the languages the book has been translated to.