5 fun things to do for a memorable summer

Classes are finished for the summer break. It has been a wonderful year – I feel so lucky to have worked with you and your children. And the sun is finally out, so here are my essentials for a memorable summer with children!
1. Wear bare feet
I love bare feet – and there is nothing better than bare feet whilst exploring outdoors, at the park or at the beach. Find a safe bit of ground and let the children wake up those senses after wearing shoes all year long. Don’t forget to take off your shoes too.
2. Splash!
When the weather warms up, kids love splashing. Head to a paddling pool, a swimming pool, or fill some water balloons for some good old fashion fun. If you are lucky enough to have some outside space, let the kids wield the hose for a while. Or fill up a spray bottle with water and grab a squeegee – the kids love to clean the windows. A paintbrush and a bucket of water can also be used to “paint” the sidewalk.
3. Picnic in the park
Find a patch of grass, lay down a blanket and lay out some easy finger food. Kids can come back to the blanket to eat, and then run wild. You may need to agree to an area where they can play when you arrive at the park. Younger ones will need more supervision so choose an enclosed playground where they can explore safely by themselves.
4. Make a tent
Kids love hiding in very small spaces. Use an old sheet, some branches, and whatever you can find to make a tent outside. Let your child pack a little bag of things to use – books, pencils and paper, a favourite soft toy, a snack and a drink – and hide away. This works inside or outside, depending on the weather. You can add cushions of blankets for comfort too.
5. Eat summer fruits
Nowadays we eat mango and strawberries all year round. But the fruit tastes so much better in the summer months and does not have to travel so many miles to reach you. Go to your local market and fill your basket with cherries, watermelon and berries. Use skewers to make fruit sticks like we did in class and you will feel like you are on a tropical island.
These are super simple ideas. But when children engage with all their senses, you will build some wonderful memories with your children.
Have a fabulous summer. See you from Monday 3 September!