5 days for reflection
As we say goodbye to 2021 and welcome in 2022, let’s take 5 days for reflection.
Reflection helps us to take perspective, to reflect on how things have gone, what worked well, and what we’d rather do differently going forward.
Day 1
Let’s start day 1 of our 5 days of reflection looking at our connection with our children.
Some ways we may want to consider:
✏️ how we communicated with them
✏️ how we had fun together
✏️ how we showed our love for them (not with gifts)
✏️ how we slowed down to their pace
✏️ how we involved them in our daily life
✏️ how we made routines and rituals together
✏️ how we cuddled in the morning before the daily tasks began
✏️ how we laughed at their jokes
✏️ how we took time to listen as they made their first sounds, words, stories, plays, plans for changing the world
✏️ and so much more…
So let us know below:
1. what worked
2. what you learned this year
3. what you’ll do differently in 2022

Day 2
For day 2 let’s think about how we cultivate curiosity and wonder in our children. This is one of the biggest gifts of Montessori education – to keep the love of learning alive in the child.
Some ways we may want to consider:
✏️ how we modelled wonder and curiosity in our own lives
✏️ how we responded with curiosity rather than lecturing, judging, blaming etc
✏️ how we allow the child to make discoveries for themselves
✏️ how we say, “I don’t know, let’s find out together”
✏️ how we write down things that our children ask us, to study deeper, to find experts, to get out into the community not just with Elementary aged children but even with our toddlers (not just using google or alexa)
✏️ how we allow time for exploration, connection, conversation
✏️ how we learn about others in our communities
✏️ and so much more…
So let us know below:
1. what worked
2. what you learned this year
3. what you’ll do differently in 2022

Day 3
Now it’s time to think about the preparation of ourselves. What went well in 2021? What would you do differently in 2022?
Some ways we may want to consider:
✏️ how did we prepare ourselves as the adult in our child’s life – eg, intellectual, spiritual, emotional preparation
✏️ how did we look after our own needs so we could care for others
✏️ how did we find community for ourselves to support us – online, in person etc
✏️ how did we unpack any biases, any stories we have been told by society
✏️ how did we stay calm / how did we make amends when we didn’t stay calm
✏️ and so much more…
So let us know below:
1. what worked
2. what you learned this year
3. what you’ll do differently in 2022

Day 4
It’s day 4 and it’s time to think about how we connected to the world around us! 🌱 This can be nature, our family, our community, watching the clouds, gazing at the stars, and so much more.
So it’s time to reflect:
1. What worked this year
2. What did you learn this year
3. What would you like to do differently in 2022

Day 5
The last day of reflection! Hope it’s been helpful. Ending with a favourite – moments of joy 💫
Let’s think about:
✏️ those Montessori moments when you observed joy in your child
✏️ things that brought you joy this year
✏️ what joy looks like in your Montessori family
✏️ moments of joy with others
✏️ moments of joy in silence
✏️ moments of joy in concentration
✏️ moments of joy in mastering a skill
✏️ moments of joy in nature
✏️ and of course so much more…
Let us know below:
1. what worked this year
2. what did you learn this year
3. what would you like to do better/more of in 2022

And that’s a wrap! I’ll be heading mostly offline myself. I hope you all have a cosy new year break however you celebrate.
See you in the new year all!

Simone Davies has more than 20 years’ experience as an AMI Montessori educator. Simone is the author of “The Montessori Toddler” and co-author of “The Montessori Baby” and “The Montessori Child” books, comprehensive guides to raising children in a Montessori way. She currently runs parent-child Montessori classes in Amsterdam at her school Jacaranda Tree Montessori. She also has a popular blog, instagram and podcast “The Montessori Notebook” and is mother to two young adults.