Introduction A grandparent wrote to me as they want to be involved with their grandchild but don't know the best way. The parents want them to follow Montessori principles and let the child choose for themselves; the grandparent also wants to be able to read books with them and have…
We want to be a kind and clear guide to our child. And people want to know why their child listens to me.Well I have been lucky enough to practice with many toddlers over the last 20 years, raised two children in a Montessori way, and my Montessori training has…
As parents, caregivers and educators, it is now more important than ever to help our children connect deeper with the Earth, the Montessori way. Dr Montessori wrote: “We must study the correlation between life and the environment. In nature all is correlated. This is the purpose of nature. Nature is…
"My son is 2, nearly 3, and is full of energy and confidence. However, he seems to get frustrated quite easily and it escalates fast for him so that I have to remove him from the situation or he will scream, hit my daughter usually, or us his parents and…
An article appeared in The Atlantic on 27 February 2024, The Fairy-Tale Promises of Montessori Parenting. The article gives a good overview of Montessori at home, its origins, its aims, and how it might look at home. “Psychologists generally agree that the ideal parenting style is “authoritative” and is characterized…
Today we'll be looking at how to support our child's social development. Do we force them to be more social? How do we accept them for who they are and teach them skills? Our children are in community from the day they are born. Their first community is their family,…
I have enjoyed following Amorette on Instagram. So I was delighted when she agreed to do an interview for the blog. If you've ever wondered "will Montessori work for my Autistic child?" or thought about homeschooling or twins, then you are going to love this interview. I love how…
Are you at the stage of development when your child is asking constantly “why?’ Maybe even more common is “but why?” When kids ask "why?" it can be fun to start with but after the 15th question in a matter of minutes, it requires a saint to stay calm and…
All about Montessori practical life activities with Saniyyah Khalilallah Today I've got a lovely interview for you with Saniyyah Khalilallah from SKMontessori. Saniyyah has just published two wonderful books about Montessori practical life activities to get our kids to help at home - I Did It Myself and I Help…
Ok, I have to admit it. I love the word dysregulated. It has only been on my radar the last year or two, but it’s been a game changer. Saying that I’m feeling dysregulated feels SO much better than saying that I’m in a bad mood or feeling cranky or…
0 - 6 years In our schools. Dr Montessori talked about the child under 6 years old being a sensorial learner. They take in most easily what they can experience with their senses - what they can touch, smell, taste, hear and see. We talk often in Montessori about giving…
Do you feel bad when your child says, "I'm bored!"? Sometimes we feel like we have to constantly be available to entertain our child/ren. We have children because we want to enjoy their company, share experiences, watch them grow, and support them when needed. And we can also create inspiring…