Help! What can I do to entertain my child all day? There are indeed lots of lovely toys for children among the swathes of less useful ones. However, that is a topic for another day. Today, we are going to look at the idea that we do not need to…
We know we shouldn’t shout at (or smack) our kids. We don’t want them to learn that this is how you solve problems. And there are other ways to gain cooperation. But sometimes frustration and anger boil up inside of us unsuspectingly and before you know it we have lost…
Today let’s tackle the seemingly impossible task of getting our young children to pack away when they are finished. You’ve heard me say this before. But I will say it again. Less…is…more. If we have a lot of toys out, there will be a lot of toys strewn about the…
A common question from parents keeps popping up this week. It goes something like this, “How do I get my child to play by themselves? They won’t let me cook or do anything. It is driving me crazy!“ Sound familiar? Alas I don’t have a magic wand to change this…
A common question from parents is how to teach their child to stand up for themselves, for example, if your child is pushed or someone always takes their toy. Here I like to pass on the advice from my children’s first preschool teacher. 1. Use body language Show them how…