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The Montessori Notebook courses have moved to Teachable

Hi there,

Looks like you are trying to access an old recording of a workshop you purchased with The Montessori Notebook!

The good news is you still have access. You’ll just need to log in now to Teachable to access it.

Here’s how…

How to access your courses

1. Go to
2. Click on Login at the top
3. Login using the email address you registered for the workshop with

Login problems

Hopefully this should work. If not:

1. Try using an incognito browser. Sometimes there is cache which seems to interfere with it showing correctly OR
2. Login to using the email address you registered with
3. Click on My Courses at the top right of the page

Also, last tip, I have a Teachable account under more than one email address and sometimes I’m trying to login with the incorrect email, so maybe that might be causing a similar problem for you.

If all else fails, it’s best to reach out to Teachable who have a super speedy helpdesk and will get you logged in. You can contact them here.

Enjoy revisiting the workshop/s!

All the best,
Simone x